
Parity is an Ethereum client, written from the ground-up for correctness-verifiability, modularisation, low-footprint and high-performance. It utilities the Rust Rust programming language, a hybrid imperative/OO/functional language with an emphasis on efficiency. You will find here a chart showing the efficiency of this client compared to geth or eth.Parity is professionally developed by Ethcore.

As pointed by Vitalik Buterin in this twit, it is highly recommended to connect to Ethereum with this client, especially with minimum version number 1.2. It seems Parity is gaining traction among the community and may become the  upstream ethereum client.

Parity runs on Linux, Mac OS and windows.

Build and install

You can build parity from source following github instructions and this tutorial from Ethcore. You may too install binaries if your Linux distribution have such a package. Please visit the parity page on Ethcore to download binaries or a Docker image. Archlinux users will find two packages in the AUR repository. The build and installation should normally go smooth if your machine is up to date and correctly setup.

Once the package is installed, run $ parity -v to check the installation went fine. The command shall return the installed version and the license.


There is no man page but you can run $ parity --help to see a list of options and default settings. You will see that configuration settings are stored in the~/.parity folder. To run basic parity, first be sure to own a key.

Key management

$ parity account list shall return a list of your Ether accounts. If you already had some keys before parity installation, this command will return a list of them:

 % parity account list
Known addresses:

If you do not have any key, run $ parity account view  to create one.

The key shall appear in your ~/.parity/keys/ directory. To view details on your key, run $ cat ~/.parity/keys/*

Connect to network

The simple following command will start parity: $ parity . By default it will connect to other nodes on the Ethereum Homestead network and synchronize the blockchain. Since build 1.2.0, JSON-RPC and dapps server are enabled by default. You may still want to specify the  pruning method to avoid too large archiving.

You can run parity alongside geth on your machine, even if one client only is needed. In case you run both, please add the –-geth option to the parity command. Below is an example how to start parity with no geth daemon running:

$  parity --pruning=fast --port 30305 --jsonrpc-port 8081 --unlock MyEtherAddress --password MyFile --identity MyNode

with MyEtherAdress being your Ether account address; password the file containing your password account; identity the name you want to give to your node.

Run $ partity --help for an exhaustive list of options.










Run a node





See also