The following will guide you through the procedure of running a fast sync via geth --fast on Windows OS 10 for Mist for those running their Ethereum Wallet client for the first time.

Note:--fast can only be run if you are syncing your blockchain from scratch and only the first time you download the blockchain for security reasons, always ensure you are using the latest release;

Step 1: Open command prompt (Administrative privileges not required): 

Step 2: Go the file directory for geth which looks like following on Windows OS: ~\Ethereum-Wallet-win64-0-7-4\resources\node\geth and drag using your mouse the geth file (a) from its location and place it into the command prompt window (b):

Step 3: You would see the following below if you did it properly: path to the geth file in your command prompt window

edit geth.exe to geth --fast as seen in (a) below.

Step 4:Click Enter and you should observe the following below if successful as the node begins to download the blockchain data; 

You can allow it to run till it has download the lastest block in the blockchain, point at which you would see ethereum start-up splash page below progress bar become completely filled up.

Step 5: Once all the blocks have been successfully downloaded you can close your command prompt window.



  1. Network Time error: if you see the following as shown in the picture below while geth is running: 
