A | |
Account | |
B | |
C | |
Contract | |
D | |
DAO | Decentral Autonomous Organization |
DTH | DAO Token Holder |
DPOS | Delegated-proof-of-stake is a consensus mechanism used to secure a blockchain |
E | |
EC | Ethereum Computer |
Extra Balance | Special "managed" account, in which the amount of ETH is stored which exceeds the price of 1 ETH = 100 DAO Tokens in the creation phase |
F | |
FUD | Fear, Uncertanty and Doubt |
G | |
H | |
Hash |
I | |
IoT | Internet of Things |
IoS | Internet of Sharing |
J | |
K | |
Keccak | Family of strong hashing algorithms designed by Guido Bertoni, Joan Daemen, Michaël Peeters, and Gilles Van Assche |
L | |
Legal | |
M | |
N | |
O | |
Oracle | Mechanism to make information from the real world accesible to the blockchain |
OTC | Over The Counter |
P | |
Q | |
Quorum | The minimum number of votes required for a proposal to get accepted (additionally the positive votes must be higher then the negative votes) |
Quorum halving | If the quorum is not reached after a certain time, it is halved |
R | |
Reward Token | |
S | |
SHA-3 | Strong hashing algorithm from the Keccak family |
Smart Contract | |
Split | Create a child DAO and move some funds there |
T | |
TCP | Token controlled participation. Mechanism by which any user who wants to join an ongoing process involving the DAO has to prove he owns tokens. |
Token | |
U | |
USN | Universal Sharing Network |
V | |
W | |
X,Y,Z | |
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