How to add and watch the DAO contract
How to add and watch the DAO contract
- ChristophM
Owned by ChristophM
Adding the DAO contract to watch it
In order to watch and interact the DAO contract, you have to add the contract to the contract tab of the MIST Wallet.
- In the MIST Wallet GUI, click on the "Contracts" tab
- Click "Watch contract".
- As contract name fill in "The DAO"
In the address field fill in
In the JSON Interface field fill the following code (be shure to copy the complete text - yes, its very, very long!)
[ { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "recipient", "value": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "displayName": "recipient" }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "amount", "value": "0", "displayName": "amount" }, { "type": "string", "name": "description", "value": "", "displayName": "description" }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "votingDeadline", "value": "0", "displayName": "voting Deadline" }, { "type": "bool", "name": "open", "value": false, "displayName": "open" }, { "type": "bool", "name": "proposalPassed", "value": false, "displayName": "proposal Passed" }, { "type": "bytes32", "name": "proposalHash", "value": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "displayName": "proposal Hash" }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "proposalDeposit", "value": "0", "displayName": "proposal Deposit" }, { "type": "bool", "name": "newCurator", "value": false, "displayName": "new Curator" }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "yea", "value": "0", "displayName": "yea" }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "nay", "value": "0", "displayName": "nay" }, { "type": "address", "name": "creator", "value": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "displayName": "creator" } ], "name": "proposals", "inputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "", "index": 0, "typeShort": "uint", "bits": "256", "displayName": "", "template": "elements_input_uint" } ], "constant": true, "displayName": "proposals" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "bool", "name": "success" } ], "name": "approve", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "_spender", "index": 0, "typeShort": "address", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> spender", "template": "elements_input_address" }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "_amount", "index": 1, "typeShort": "uint", "bits": "256", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> amount", "template": "elements_input_uint" } ], "constant": false, "displayName": "approve" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "", "value": "5e+22", "displayName": "" } ], "name": "minTokensToCreate", "inputs": [], "constant": true, "displayName": "min Tokens To Create" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "", "value": "0xd2e16a20dd7b1ae54fb0312209784478d069c7b0", "displayName": "" } ], "name": "rewardAccount", "inputs": [], "constant": true, "displayName": "reward Account" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "", "value": "0x4a574510c7014e4ae985403536074abe582adfc8", "displayName": "" } ], "name": "daoCreator", "inputs": [], "constant": true, "displayName": "dao Creator" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "", "value": "6.72871883504979824813787e+23", "displayName": "" } ], "name": "totalSupply", "inputs": [], "constant": true, "displayName": "total Supply" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "divisor", "value": "20", "displayName": "divisor" } ], "name": "divisor", "inputs": [], "constant": true, "displayName": "divisor" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "", "value": "0x807640a13483f8ac783c557fcdf27be11ea4ac7a", "displayName": "" } ], "name": "extraBalance", "inputs": [], "constant": true, "displayName": "extra Balance" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "_newDAO", "value": "0x", "displayName": "_new D A O" } ], "name": "getNewDAOAdress", "inputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "_proposalID", "index": 0, "typeShort": "uint", "bits": "256", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> proposal I D", "template": "elements_input_uint" } ], "constant": true, "displayName": "get New DAOAdress" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "bool", "name": "_success" } ], "name": "executeProposal", "inputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "_proposalID", "index": 0, "typeShort": "uint", "bits": "256", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> proposal I D", "template": "elements_input_uint" }, { "type": "bytes", "name": "_transactionData", "index": 1, "typeShort": "bytes", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> transaction Data", "template": "elements_input_bytes" } ], "constant": false, "displayName": "execute Proposal" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "bool", "name": "success" } ], "name": "transferFrom", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "_from", "index": 0, "typeShort": "address", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> from", "template": "elements_input_address" }, { "type": "address", "name": "_to", "index": 1, "typeShort": "address", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> to", "template": "elements_input_address" }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "_value", "index": 2, "typeShort": "uint", "bits": "256", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> value", "template": "elements_input_uint" } ], "constant": false, "displayName": "transfer From" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "", "value": "0", "displayName": "" } ], "name": "totalRewardToken", "inputs": [], "constant": true, "displayName": "total Reward Token" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "_actualBalance", "value": "6.72876883504979824813787e+23", "displayName": "_actual Balance" } ], "name": "actualBalance", "inputs": [], "constant": true, "displayName": "actual Balance" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "", "value": "1464426000", "displayName": "" } ], "name": "closingTime", "inputs": [], "constant": true, "displayName": "closing Time" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "bool", "name": "", "value": false, "displayName": "" } ], "name": "allowedRecipients", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "", "index": 0, "typeShort": "address", "bits": "", "displayName": "", "template": "elements_input_address" } ], "constant": true, "displayName": "allowed Recipients" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "bool", "name": "success" } ], "name": "transferWithoutReward", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "_to", "index": 0, "typeShort": "address", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> to", "template": "elements_input_address" }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "_value", "index": 1, "typeShort": "uint", "bits": "256", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> value", "template": "elements_input_uint" } ], "constant": false, "displayName": "transfer Without Reward" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [], "name": "refund", "inputs": [], "constant": false, "displayName": "refund" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "_proposalID" } ], "name": "newProposal", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "_recipient", "index": 0, "typeShort": "address", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> recipient", "template": "elements_input_address" }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "_amount", "index": 1, "typeShort": "uint", "bits": "256", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> amount", "template": "elements_input_uint" }, { "type": "string", "name": "_description", "index": 2, "typeShort": "string", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> description", "template": "elements_input_string" }, { "type": "bytes", "name": "_transactionData", "index": 3, "typeShort": "bytes", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> transaction Data", "template": "elements_input_bytes" }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "_debatingPeriod", "index": 4, "typeShort": "uint", "bits": "256", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> debating Period", "template": "elements_input_uint" }, { "type": "bool", "name": "_newCurator", "index": 5, "typeShort": "bool", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> new Curator", "template": "elements_input_bool" } ], "constant": false, "displayName": "new Proposal" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "", "value": "0", "displayName": "" } ], "name": "DAOpaidOut", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "", "index": 0, "typeShort": "address", "bits": "", "displayName": "", "template": "elements_input_address" } ], "constant": true, "displayName": " DAOpaid Out" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "", "value": "5", "displayName": "" } ], "name": "minQuorumDivisor", "inputs": [], "constant": true, "displayName": "min Quorum Divisor" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [], "name": "newContract", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "_newContract", "index": 0, "typeShort": "address", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> new Contract", "template": "elements_input_address" } ], "constant": false, "displayName": "new Contract" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "balance", "value": "0", "displayName": "balance" } ], "name": "balanceOf", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "_owner", "index": 0, "typeShort": "address", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> owner", "template": "elements_input_address" } ], "constant": true, "displayName": "balance Of" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "bool", "name": "_success" } ], "name": "changeAllowedRecipients", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "_recipient", "index": 0, "typeShort": "address", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> recipient", "template": "elements_input_address" }, { "type": "bool", "name": "_allowed", "index": 1, "typeShort": "bool", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> allowed", "template": "elements_input_bool" } ], "constant": false, "displayName": "change Allowed Recipients" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "bool", "name": "_success" } ], "name": "halveMinQuorum", "inputs": [], "constant": false, "displayName": "halve Min Quorum" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "", "value": "0", "displayName": "" } ], "name": "paidOut", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "", "index": 0, "typeShort": "address", "bits": "", "displayName": "", "template": "elements_input_address" } ], "constant": true, "displayName": "paid Out" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "bool", "name": "_success" } ], "name": "splitDAO", "inputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "_proposalID", "index": 0, "typeShort": "uint", "bits": "256", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> proposal I D", "template": "elements_input_uint" }, { "type": "address", "name": "_newCurator", "index": 1, "typeShort": "address", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> new Curator", "template": "elements_input_address" } ], "constant": false, "displayName": "split DAO" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "", "value": "0x17cd41543a3c3c77d5e372704c9577df09eea003", "displayName": "" } ], "name": "DAOrewardAccount", "inputs": [], "constant": true, "displayName": " DAOreward Account" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "", "value": "2000000000000000000", "displayName": "" } ], "name": "proposalDeposit", "inputs": [], "constant": true, "displayName": "proposal Deposit" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "_numberOfProposals", "value": "0", "displayName": "_number Of Proposals" } ], "name": "numberOfProposals", "inputs": [], "constant": true, "displayName": "number Of Proposals" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "", "value": "1461980578", "displayName": "" } ], "name": "lastTimeMinQuorumMet", "inputs": [], "constant": true, "displayName": "last Time Min Quorum Met" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "bool", "name": "_success" } ], "name": "retrieveDAOReward", "inputs": [ { "type": "bool", "name": "_toMembers", "index": 0, "typeShort": "bool", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> to Members", "template": "elements_input_bool" } ], "constant": false, "displayName": "retrieve DAOReward" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "bool", "name": "" } ], "name": "receiveEther", "inputs": [], "constant": false, "displayName": "receive Ether" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "bool", "name": "success" } ], "name": "transfer", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "_to", "index": 0, "typeShort": "address", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> to", "template": "elements_input_address" }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "_value", "index": 1, "typeShort": "uint", "bits": "256", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> value", "template": "elements_input_uint" } ], "constant": false, "displayName": "transfer" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "bool", "name": "", "value": true, "displayName": "" } ], "name": "isFueled", "inputs": [], "constant": true, "displayName": "is Fueled" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "bool", "name": "success" } ], "name": "createTokenProxy", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "_tokenHolder", "index": 0, "typeShort": "address", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> token Holder", "template": "elements_input_address" } ], "constant": false, "displayName": "create Token Proxy" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "_voteID" } ], "name": "vote", "inputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "_proposalID", "index": 0, "typeShort": "uint", "bits": "256", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> proposal I D", "template": "elements_input_uint" }, { "type": "bool", "name": "_supportsProposal", "index": 1, "typeShort": "bool", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> supports Proposal", "template": "elements_input_bool" } ], "constant": false, "displayName": "vote" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "bool", "name": "_success" } ], "name": "getMyReward", "inputs": [], "constant": false, "displayName": "get My Reward" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "", "value": "0", "displayName": "" } ], "name": "rewardToken", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "", "index": 0, "typeShort": "address", "bits": "", "displayName": "", "template": "elements_input_address" } ], "constant": true, "displayName": "reward Token" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "bool", "name": "success" } ], "name": "transferFromWithoutReward", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "_from", "index": 0, "typeShort": "address", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> from", "template": "elements_input_address" }, { "type": "address", "name": "_to", "index": 1, "typeShort": "address", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> to", "template": "elements_input_address" }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "_value", "index": 2, "typeShort": "uint", "bits": "256", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> value", "template": "elements_input_uint" } ], "constant": false, "displayName": "transfer From Without Reward" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "remaining", "value": "0", "displayName": "remaining" } ], "name": "allowance", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "_owner", "index": 0, "typeShort": "address", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> owner", "template": "elements_input_address" }, { "type": "address", "name": "_spender", "index": 1, "typeShort": "address", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> spender", "template": "elements_input_address" } ], "constant": true, "displayName": "allowance" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [], "name": "changeProposalDeposit", "inputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "_proposalDeposit", "index": 0, "typeShort": "uint", "bits": "256", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> proposal Deposit", "template": "elements_input_uint" } ], "constant": false, "displayName": "change Proposal Deposit" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "", "value": "0", "displayName": "" } ], "name": "blocked", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "", "index": 0, "typeShort": "address", "bits": "", "displayName": "", "template": "elements_input_address" } ], "constant": true, "displayName": "blocked" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "", "value": "0xda4a4626d3e16e094de3225a751aab7128e96526", "displayName": "" } ], "name": "curator", "inputs": [], "constant": true, "displayName": "curator" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "bool", "name": "_codeChecksOut", "value": false, "displayName": "_code Checks Out" } ], "name": "checkProposalCode", "inputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "_proposalID", "index": 0, "typeShort": "uint", "bits": "256", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> proposal I D", "template": "elements_input_uint" }, { "type": "address", "name": "_recipient", "index": 1, "typeShort": "address", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> recipient", "template": "elements_input_address" }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "_amount", "index": 2, "typeShort": "uint", "bits": "256", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> amount", "template": "elements_input_uint" }, { "type": "bytes", "name": "_transactionData", "index": 3, "typeShort": "bytes", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> transaction Data", "template": "elements_input_bytes" } ], "constant": true, "displayName": "check Proposal Code" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "", "value": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "displayName": "" } ], "name": "privateCreation", "inputs": [], "constant": true, "displayName": "private Creation" }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "bool", "name": "" } ], "name": "isBlocked", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "_account", "index": 0, "typeShort": "address", "bits": "", "displayName": " <span class=\"punctuation\">_</span> account", "template": "elements_input_address" } ], "constant": false, "displayName": "is Blocked" }, { "type": "constructor", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "_curator" }, { "type": "address", "name": "_daoCreator" }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "_proposalDeposit" }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "_minTokensToCreate" }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "_closingTime" }, { "type": "address", "name": "_privateCreation" } ] }, { "type": "event", "name": "Transfer", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "_from", "indexed": true }, { "type": "address", "name": "_to", "indexed": true }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "_amount", "indexed": false } ], "anonymous": false }, { "type": "event", "name": "Approval", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "_owner", "indexed": true }, { "type": "address", "name": "_spender", "indexed": true }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "_amount", "indexed": false } ], "anonymous": false }, { "type": "event", "name": "FuelingToDate", "inputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "value", "indexed": false } ], "anonymous": false }, { "type": "event", "name": "CreatedToken", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "to", "indexed": true }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "amount", "indexed": false } ], "anonymous": false }, { "type": "event", "name": "Refund", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "to", "indexed": true }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "value", "indexed": false } ], "anonymous": false }, { "type": "event", "name": "ProposalAdded", "inputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "proposalID", "indexed": true }, { "type": "address", "name": "recipient", "indexed": false }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "amount", "indexed": false }, { "type": "bool", "name": "newCurator", "indexed": false }, { "type": "string", "name": "description", "indexed": false } ], "anonymous": false }, { "type": "event", "name": "Voted", "inputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "proposalID", "indexed": true }, { "type": "bool", "name": "position", "indexed": false }, { "type": "address", "name": "voter", "indexed": true } ], "anonymous": false }, { "type": "event", "name": "ProposalTallied", "inputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "proposalID", "indexed": true }, { "type": "bool", "name": "result", "indexed": false }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "quorum", "indexed": false } ], "anonymous": false }, { "type": "event", "name": "NewCurator", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "_newCurator", "indexed": true } ], "anonymous": false }, { "type": "event", "name": "AllowedRecipientChanged", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "_recipient", "indexed": true }, { "type": "bool", "name": "_allowed", "indexed": false } ], "anonymous": false } ]
- Click OK, and you're done.
Watching the DAO contract
After you have added the DAO contract, it appears on the Contract tab in the MIST Wallet GUI. You can read the contracts data (left side of the screen) or call the contracts functions (right side of the screen).