Bittrex token withdrawal

Bittrex token withdrawal

  1. Click the negative sign in the blue box(a) to the left side of wallets page.

  2. A pop up would appear asking for you to confirm your withdrawal request. Fill in the relevant details as shown in the image below:

  3. You would be asked to confirm your withdrawal, click confirm.

  4. After clicking confirm, you would notice the following at the top right hand corner of your page as shown below. 

  5. After which you should receive an email from mailer@bittrex.com, asking you to confirm that you have requested a withdrawal as shown below:

    With the following content as shown in the image below:
         content of email:
    1. Amount requested: 0.66DAO in this case.
    2. Withdrawal Address: f43d0c5da6d91d3b51f4aff25c44d3f2ed1ba87a.
    3. Time when the request was made.
    4. I.P Address from which you made the request.
    5. confirmation link.

      Once you click the confirmation link(e) in the email, you would be redirected to a new page in your browser notifying you that your withdrawal confirmation has been successful as shown in image below.

  6. Confirmation
    1. In your withdrawal history section on the wallets page, you would notice the following:

      When you click the plus sign; you would notice the address to which TheDAO tokens were sent and TxID for the transaction which you can enter into the search box on www.etherscan.io to further verify that the transaction was successful. 

    2.  MyEtherWallet:  
       Go to https://www.myetherwallet.com/#the-dao and after successfully unlocking your wallet, you would notice your new balance on the right hand side. 



  1. Incomplete withdrawal address(missing letters or numbers) entered during 2. above. You would only notice this error after 5. above, whereby in the pending withdrawal section, you would see under status that the transaction was either Invalid or another error message.
    Solution: Click cancel and try the transaction again. 
    No fee would be deducted when the error DOES not result in a transaction.

  2. Send to deposit address denied:
    You might notice this during 2. when you enter the same address as your deposit address and click confirm. You would see the following image below:

    Now in this instance, it was quite weird as the Bittrex platform threw an objection to requesting a withdrawal to the same address that was used to deposit the tokens.

    Solution: Cancel the request and enter an address different from your withdrawal address or enter in your deposit address again and click confirm. The second time I entered in the same deposit address during 2. above, it did not bring up an error message and the transaction completed perfectly.

  3. Incorrect withdrawal address: You would only notice this after a successful transaction.


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